
Monday Jan 06, 2025
Dawn Of The Dead
Monday Jan 06, 2025
Monday Jan 06, 2025
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode we diving deep into the haps of the last month since the previous episode, including a deeper dive into the article 'Repressive Tolerance' by Herbert Marcuse.
Before all that though I talk ancestral Nahuatl philosophy, Type O Negative and the indelible effect Peter Steele in particular has had on my life, one last Christmas holiday zombie movie (Black Friday with Bruce Campbell of Evil Dead fame), the relationship between zombies, Marx, and capitalism, the events that occurred in New Orleans and Las Vegas (nah straight up, we were hoping for Project Blue Beam and all we got was TEMU September 22th, what a let down), how this in and of itself is an extension of the class war we are ensnared in, and finishing alladat up with the dangers of technocracy, censorship, and the limiting of reality through the policing of language that Marcuse discussed nearly sixty years ago!
It's honestly a banger of an episode homie, and without a doubt the longest to day date, a trend that will be the new norm for this podcast - I hope it helps kill the time in between episodes, and if you can get through the end in one sitting, you a real one fa sho.
Stay woke fam...

Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Repressives Tolerance
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode, I'm delving in to the article 'Repressive Tolerance' by Herbert Marcuse.
In my humble opinion, this is a seminal text in critical theory, one that often gets over looked, and given its relevance to today's political climate, I felt it appropriate to delves into.
Well, the first four pages cuz this is a dense read and I ended this episode near the two hour mark! Suffice to say, I'm very much looking forward to breaking it down in future episodes.
For now, I discuss the rise of Nazi and Hitler apologists, how Marx predicted this wave of anti-Semitism as being inextricably tied to capitalism and dire material conditions, and how Marcuse can help us understand that the only way to really combat it is to 'meet the people where they are at', to put it kindly.
This is a controversial take from a controversial text, so it should go without saying that this is perhaps one of the more (admittedly) controversial episodes I've made. But as I mention, life is not easy pretending otherwise by stating we can't have such difficult conversations is exactly what Marcuse means by repressive tolerance.
Stay woke fam...

Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Run It Back 4
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit.
It's been a while, and I talk all about why along with all the other topics that still make this podcast like the Exorcist but with more break dancing.
And by that of course I mean ancestral Nahuatl philosophy, 'conspiracies' like Project Popeye, weather modification, and the relationship with Hurricane Helene, class war, Brown foos and the N word, and a little bit of ancient Greek philosophy.
We're living in fun times homie and I feel like The Republic by Plato is one of the many texts that help us understand why they aren't unique, cataclysmic, let alone insurmountable, and I will be breaking down this text in the following episodes to explain how/why, starting with book two in this one.
Stay woke fam...

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Where The Hood At?
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more hood philosophy shit, and on this episode I'm talking ancestral knowledge, jiu jitsu, Islamic cults, horror movies and... my experience being a substitute teacher?!
Yeah dawg, it was a fun ride, and I break down how all of the aforementioned are related through that one experience.
We are in the midst of the Toxkatl veintenna and one thing it teaches us is the importance of applying heat and energy in our lives to ensure we blossom into the best versions of ourselves in hopes of being the nourishment the communities that come after us will need to thrive.
This goes heavily against the mediocrity and comfort we are told to cherish in modern times (our ancestors for sure would not have been fans of the fake-woke 'progressive' left homie), and they remind us of the importance of staying physically, psychologically, emotionally, and intellectually strong to ensure we are capable of carrying out such a monumental task.
Stay woke fam...

Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Dead Again
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast I'm running back some of the happenings from the last four months that it's been since the last episode.
I'm talking a little ancestral knowledge I've learned along the way, the significance of Xipe Totec, the influence of The Smiths, The Cure, and post-punk in general in the Xicano/a community and how wild it is that others are just finding out about that, why cholo culture being appropriated is mad cringe and... Donnie Darko.
That movie is dope as hell, I use it to teach a lot of different parts of philosophy in class like time travel, free will, and the absurd to name a few - some of the real horrifying shit in life when we seriously pause to consider it.
Stay woke fam...

Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Devil’s Pie
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode we got lots to talk about.
For starters, one of the Epstein lists has been released, and rather than talk about the human trafficking element side of it, I go in on the effect it's had on undermining the sovereignty of the United States instead.
Don't get me twisted, the trafficking and exploitation of children is unquestionably reprehensible and the sickos that engaged in these actions deserve punishment to the fullest extent imaginable, but belying this is the real root of the problem that some Blue Anon MF'ers are still trying to dismiss.
The US straight up has been bought and sold homie and the hustle only exists cuz our politicians were abusing their power, and that's the issue few are discussing. I got you though, and offer a little hope in the form of ancestral Nahuatl ways that show why such leadership is disgusting as well as how we can potentially fix it so we can build a better world from the smoldering ashes of this one.
I close off by pulling a complete 180 and going in on some psychoanalytic film analysis on Belly, as mentioned in the previous episode. That movie is mad philosophical and deserves its flowers in my humble opinion, and DMX and Nas team up with Hype Williams to give us a masterpiece on what it's like to navigate the struggles of the hood.Stay woke fam...

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Feasting On The Flowers
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm running back some lingering thoughts on the episode I did with Allaa and talking about the ancestral responses to some of the points he advanced.
I'm also digging into to religion in general and offering a multitude of ways in which I feel they can be interpreted. I'm talking everything from simple practices designed to ensure the survival of a small group of people to complex rituals designed to open portals as practioners prepare to transition from this dimension into the next.
And somewhere in between all that I introduce the bi-cameral mind and how religion may very well be nothing more than a remnant of a time in human evolution where people were unable to recognize the voice inside their heads as their own and ascribed it to the voice of a 'god', instead.
I'm not saying the Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any other God aint real homie, I'm saying they have no bearing on my life cuz I am my ancestors and my ancestors are me, and when I die I will be welcomed back to the Mictlan with open arms to join them. In the mean time? Well, to quote the great Vince Staples, pimps needs Porsches and h*es need abortions, so if you thirsty please grab a Sprite.
Stay woke fam...

Friday Nov 24, 2023
On The Eve Of War II
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm rejoined by my colleague and dear friend Allaa Salama to talk a little bit about Islam.
If you've listened long enough you already know your boy is not religiously inclined - despite that, I have no problem chopping it up with those who are cuz regardless of my own personal biases, I am fully aware that there are insights religions can provide that have been perfected through time and passed on to help us live meaningful, self-actualized lives, and believe it would be short sighted to dismiss them simply cuz of their source.
This is where my boy Allaa comes in the mix. Islam is hotly contested at the moment given its rise around the Western world - the question is, is this really the result of some 'globalist conspiracy', or is there perhaps some insights that it offers that are not satisfied by Christianity?
If you ask my boy Allaa, he'll say that's exactly what is up, but ultimately, it's up to you to decide.
Stay woke fam...

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Know Your Enemy
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm going in on all the reasons why I not do not celebrate holidays dedicated to the legacy of the military of this settler-colonial country.
I used to be conflicted about this back in the day cuz beyond being a veteran myself, I have mad loved ones and homies who are vets as well, so despite the fact that I knew we signed up to defend the interest of the international banking cartel, part of me always justified it cuz how TF else were we supposed to escape the hood, nah mean?
Once I started learning ancestral knowledge, that changed profoundly when I realized that, beyond being confused workers aligning with the bourgeoisie's interests, we were also exploited men and women who had our instinct to protect finessed by predatory military and recruiting practices.
This episode def aint for 'the patriotic', but I'll remind you that we served to uphold the Constitution of this country, which includes the freedom of speech, which is why I can comfortably and confidently say this country is diseased and Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and Independence Day, and any other holiday celebrating this death cult are a joke.
Stay woke fam...

Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Meditations: Our Sacred Tezcatlipoca
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and for my first episode back in two months, I wanted to share with ya'll some of the reflections that have come to me in meditating with our sacred Tezcatlipoca.
I'm talking finding meaning on this slippery earth Tlalticpac, navigating the trauma that keeps us from doing so, Asian foos who rep Chicano culture, and everything in between.
Stay woke fam...