
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
The Sun Also Rises
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
What's good world, we back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm talking about dealing with the heartache of loss, grief, and trauma, before flipping the script and talking about the ways philosophy can help us navigate this domain.
No trip examining this uncomfortable facet of reality is possible without pit stops along the way through the depths of nihilism, epistemic skepticism, and metaphysical horror, where new problems concerning the purpose and function (or perhaps better stated, lack thereof) of philosophy.
Life happens fast, and when it does, sometimes it's difficult to even find the strength to just get out of bed - it's in that space where the choice to collapse into the pit of nihilistic despair or use the philosophical tools at our dispense to navigate the treacherous storm presents itself, and how we respond will unquestionably determine the quality of our life.
Stay woke fam...

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Of Melancholy Burning
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
What's good world, we're back from the crypt with some more of that gangsta ass hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm continuing my story by talking about aliens, zombies, and... social justice warriors?
Yeah homie, you read that correctly - although they may seem unrelated, the fact is all of the above are part of a grand conspiracy that has us out here really trying to believe that anyone knows anything about what's going on in reality.
Obviously this aint the case bruh, there's only being and non-being, everything in between is just a story that we tell to keep us from having to address the haunting reality that no one knows what's going on.
That's devastating and the impetus for much dread that manifests itself in the many self-destructive patterns of behavior we've developed to deal with this fact on an individual level, and the many detrimental stories that have been created in an attempt to detract from this fact.
Stay woke fam, even though they're the only thing grounding us in reality, letting go of these stories and distractions is part of the process of learning how to live a good, happy life, no matter how deeply we may hold them...

Monday Feb 22, 2021
The Truth About Stories
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
What's good world, we're back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm talking the truth about stories.
Stop me if you've heard this before, but they're truly all we got, as it's these stories that not only help ground us in reality and keep us from blinking out of nothingness into vacuous space before being consumed by the void once more, but they are what shape the very worlds we live in.
I say worlds cuz at this very moment there are multiple others existing in parallel withing the one we've been programmed to believe is the only 'real' world, and they are right at the other end of our ability to articulate and break through the barriers that have been placed on us to keep us from accessing them.
I talk all about this, plus wormholes, time travel, alternate realities, some Jordan Peterson bashing, and you know, all that other shit you've grown to know and love.
Thanks for tuning in, and stay blessed fam...

Sunday Feb 07, 2021
The Primeval Dark
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
What's good world, we're back from the crypt with some more of that hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm getting into how philosophy can help us navigate the darkest recesses of our shadows.
There's some ghoulish creatures stalking the dark forests that comprise each and ever last one of our unconscious selves, whether they be mommy/daddy issues, drug and alcohol dependencies, mental illness, the fear of death, or any other type of trauma that is keeping us from living the good, happy lives that we all desire.
The only way out of this, for better or worse, is through it, though, and philosophy is the tool that can help guide our way.
Stay woke fam, the change we desire in the world really do start within us..

Monday Jan 25, 2021
Beyond Good And Evil
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
What's good world, we're back from the crypt with some more of that gangsta ass hood philosophy shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm diving deep into Nietzsche's idea of the will to power.
My boy gets a bum wrap for his alleged NAZI associations, despite openly decrying ethnonationalism and other vulgar expressions of power that have manifested as a result of the brutish animal nature we've been beholden to as human beings.
Nietzsche challenges that we are bridges to be overcome, and the will to power is the catalyst to do so in hopes that we may achieve the spiritualization necessary to live a life of art.
Stay woke fam, like J. Cole raps, what good is taking over when you know what you gone do, the only real revolution happens right inside of you...

Monday Jan 11, 2021
In The Groves Of Death
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
What's good world, it's been a few days since the failed insurection on Capitol Hill, and our discussion on the schism between modernism and postmodernism seems more relevant now than ever.
This that awkward moment when you start to realize the shit critical theorists have been dropping since WWII aint conspiritorial nonsense but actually deeply philosophical problems that have steadily been unfolding in a sequence of events that have lead directly to the world we are living in at this very moment 👀.

Friday Jan 01, 2021
Above The Weeping World
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
What's good world, we're back with some more of that G shit, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm talking about the schism between the modernist and the postmodernists.
No conversation on this matter can be had without talking a little bit about the figurehead of the form, one Jordan B. Peterson, but real shit, homeboy is exactly that - a figurehead that best exemplifies the tension that has the US - and the entirety of the world, really - at a breaking point as we head into 2021.
The American Empire is facing mad uncertainty at the moment, and for many of us, the rationale of 'patriotism' and 'duty to one's country' that has been used to justify the unjust treatment of people's in the hood are ringing more hollow and being exposed for the empty gestures they truly are by the day.
The sentiment has been fomenting for all of 2020, and for 2021, I thought it best to start by addressing the simple question on the minds of hundreds of millions of Americans who are fed up with the unfounded modernist rationale that has been telling us we are at 'the end of history' and all our problems have been sold, and that is 'why TF should we show loyalty to a country that clearly don't give a MF about us?'.
I'm a be picking up this idea in a series of podcasts, but for now, I ask simply - why does one wealthy politician from Kentucky have the ability to determine the economic relief desperately needed by hundreds of millions of Americans?
Stay woke fam, better worlds are possible...

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Sickness Unto Death
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more of that MF G shit by way of, and on this episode of the podcast, we're doing a deep dive into Toy Story 3.
It's the winter solstice and ya boy cooked up a little something-something for my Christian folk with some Soren Kierkegaard to explain how the plot of this movie is basically the computer-animated tale of Kierkegaards leap to faith.
Specifically, I'm tracing the character development of Buzz Lightyear to show how, through the first three movies, he slowly progresses from being the Knight of Infinite Resignation who is content solely with the idea of love and acting accordingly, to the Knight of Faith whose firm belief in their faith allows him to be the calm in the impending storm his fellow toys face as they're slowly sliding into the depths of hell - or the burning trash pit of fire if you don't want to be so histrionic about it.
Stay woke fam...

Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Seven Sermons To The Dead
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
What's good world, we're back for our 50th episode of the podcast, and I'm not going to front, your boy is feeling a little sentimental thinking about that number.
It's been about a year and a half since I started this shit, and for this episode, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what hood philosophy is and why.
I'm talking everything from the school-to-prison pipeline and the military-industrial complex, to Nietzsche's three transformations of the spirit and the importance of engaging in the deep soul-scorching shadow work necessary to recover our existence, and why this should be the focus of philosophical enquiry in a time where suffering seems to strangely be at an all-time high in this technological world of ours. 50 episodes in and aint shit changed homie, this still aint yo grand-daddies academic philosophy - that shit started in Ancient Greece and is buried in the prestigious confines of institutionalized academia, where we have to pay a premium to access the sanitized knowledge.
Hood philosophy is about liberating the knowledge by way of the Internet in the hopes that it will be used to help overcome the nihilistic pit of despair the Western world has reduced us to so that we may complete the three transformations.
It goes without saying then that it started in the streets and will end in the streets where the hunger and need for knowledge and wisdom is desired the most.
Stay woke fam...

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Behold A Pale Horse
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more of that straight from the crypt hood philosophy shit, and on this episode, we're talking summoning aliens, the existence of demons, angels, alchemical magic, and bringing zombified corpses to life with the the infamous 'Chinese Brain' thought experiment from the philosophy of mind.
2020 been a wild year and I think it's safe to say that there's some serious forces at play beyond our traditional scope of reality that merits a deep philosophical discussion on what our role as people is heading into this next stage of collective evolution we are undertaking.
In remixing the infamous words Milton William Cooper, like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. If 2020 has taught us anything, let it be that, in a world where 'coin shortages' and mandatory vaccinations are slowly becoming the norm, to cling to the past is guaranteed suicide, and to remain apathetic is assured enslavement.
Stay woke fam, we can either be active in this process or abdicate our role completely. The choice really is ours and the future really do be in our hands - to learn the truth and then act on it is the only means of survival at this moment...