
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Azo Tle Nelli In Tlalticpac?
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more hood philosophy, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm delving back into the waters of Nahuatl philosophy and asking - is this (the Abrahamic, Western European worldview) the only truth in the world?
I've spoken before about the difference in world views held by the Nahuatl and Western Europeans, and in this episode, I get deep into breaking down what that means for us humans seeking a life of meaning and purpose in this slippery world.
You can take all the antidotes to chaos you desire, but if we don't acknowledge the fundamentally dynamic nature of reality, we'll remain trapped in this hedonic trap of falsely believing we've 'finally' achieved 'the end goal' of life - whatever that even is - and that we can finally rest on our laurels and be at ease.
Stay woke fam...

Saturday Oct 03, 2020
The Slaughter Bench Of History
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
What's good world, we back with some more of that gangsta ass hood philosophy, and on this episode of the podcast, I'm dropping some knowledge on a philosopher who's gaining a lot of attention in the Internet underground as of late.
I'm speaking of G.W.F. Hegel, and given the wild times we're living in, I'm not at all surprised to see him rearing his ugly little head, as much of his philosophy not only serves as the foundation for the colonialism and imperialism that has led us to this extraordinary year, but for many, it provides an escape - or at the very least, solace in the form of an explanation - for the madness that's been 2020.
This particular podcast is actually from a lecture that I gave a couple years back, and I decided to share the entirety of it in hopes that doing so would perhaps help shed a different light on the current events, as well as lay the foundation for a forthcoming OC podcast that will examine the antithesis of Hegelianism.
Stay woke fam, dualistic teleologies are but one of many ways to interface with reality...

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
The Fifth Sun
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more gangsta ass hood philosophy, and on this episode, we're talking time travel, alternate dimensions, ancient technologies, and Aztec ritual sacrifice to name but a few.
This my longest podcast to date, and it aint by mistake cuz ya boy goes deep into the philosophy of why the Mexica - so-called Aztecs - engaged in the ritual excising of people's hearts, and how conservative Christian brainwashing reduced this action to it's most vulgar, elementary form.
When we dig deeper, though, we realize that the Mexica were engaging in an art of living that's lost today, namely one that sees individuals - yes, even the sacrificial victims, as fundamentally necessary to the continuation of the cosmos.
And if you ask me, that's vastly preferable to the reductive materialism of the Western world that has us believing we are nothing more than inert molecules in a careless universe void of any meaning or purpose.
Stay woke fame, cuz what is dead can never die...

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Separation Perfected
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more of that gangsta ass hood philosophy, and on this episode of the podcast, we're tracing the modern roots of persuasion in academia, and examining how it was transmogrified from an altruistic practice aimed at transforming democracy by creating an active and involved proletariat, into a trillion-dollar industry ready to sell us everything from a lifestyle, a new war, and everything in between.
It's a deceptive world out there fam, and we'd be silly to think there aren't hidden forces at play exercising unwarranted power in hopes of getting us to further their agendas.
Like the grandfather of modern advertising Edward Bernays reminds us, 'the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society', and that 'those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country...'
So when Nike is out here sub-contracting Uyghur slave labor through the Chinese Communist Party, while simultaneously promoting the ideas of equality advanced by Back Lives Matter, it's time we ask ourselves just how deeply we are truly being governed, how carefully our minds are being molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.
Stay woke fam...

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Higher Self
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
What's good world, we back with some more of that bust you ish open hood philosophy.
On this episode of the podcast, I'm talking Nietzsche's will to power, why Brown folk need to stop blaming the White man for all our problems, and why only simp lords tap early to chokes at jiu jitsu.
Spoiler alert, cuz we're cutting ourselves short by not giving ourselves a chance to see what we're truly made of.
Stay woke fam...

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
One-Dimensional Man
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more of that gangsta hood philosophy.
In this episode of the podcast, I'm giving a quick take on Herbert Marcuses' classic one-dimensional man by talking bout the importance of upholding radical individuality in the face of an ever-encroaching totalizing societal machine.
I also talk how easy it is to fall into this machine-like leveling process, how the idea of democracy is just a front to keep this going - spoiler alert, all our presidents share the same lineage as the lizard people at Buckingham Palace, even Barry O - the Nahuatl response to this one-dimensional mode of being, and the importance of staying true to ourselves, even when we're vibing at our lowest.
Stay woke fam...

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Mic Check: Turn Me Up Some
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
What's good world, we're back after a short break with some more of that gangsta ass hood philosophy shit.
On this episode of the podcast, we're talking healing from childhood trauma, moving up out the hood while still being haunted by it, and the connection between the simulation theory and conspiracies.
Stay woke fam, st's been a wild two months since our last podcast, and the start of the collapse of the American Empire kicked into high gear since then - this is only the beginning, so learn to read the symbols that make up the rules for the simulation so you can stay ahead of the game...

Friday May 22, 2020
Being Unto Death - The Ethics Of Care
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more hood philosophy, and in this episode we're looking to shake ourselves out of our state of fallenness with some Heideggerian ethics of care.
Authenticity is the name of the game here, and Heidegger tells us that we all choose our existence - whether by taking hold or neglecting our fate - and whether we want to acknowledge this or not won't change the fact that we're ultimately responsible for the outcome.
And I don't know about you boi, but me personally, I'm not content with just adopting the default mode of Being, no matter how easy doing so may be.
Stay woke fam...

Wednesday May 13, 2020
Being Unto Death
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more of that bust yo' shit open type hood philosophy, and on this episode, we're talking the notorious NAZI, Marin Heidegger.
Now don't get me twisted, this aint no NAZI apologist nonsense.
In fact, I wrestled with the idea of doing a Heidegger podcast for quite some time until I realized - yo, real shit, all of western philosophy is guilty of supporting ideologies that endorse holocaust and genocide.
So why should I not fuck with Heidegger when the rest of western philosophy aint going to disavow the intellectual, spiritual, and/or actual physical ancestor of the people that committed the largest unspoken holocaust of human history on Turtle Island, and the entirety of our understanding of reality that's built on their beliefs?We're talking complete de-linking and decolonization here homeboy, and the reality is that the little bit of Heideggerian philosophy I do talk is nothing more than derivative of that Nahuatl philosophy that's in my blood.
So tune in - I'm talking anxiety, dread, the 'fear' of death, and the ensuing depression that emerges from confronting the limited amount of time we have in this dimension to live an authentic life.
Stay woke fam...

Sunday May 03, 2020
The Birth of Tragedy Part 2
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
What's good world, we're back with another podcast aimed at slaying the dragon that is the cult of personality that birthed Dr. Jordan Peterson.
Although homeboy stormed the scene a few years back, the reality is that his quest to save Western civilization is a process started by his conservative counterparts many years back.
In this episode, I trace the history of this movement, as well as highlight the ways that real leftists - not those fake-woke joke social justice warriors - have combatted this trend.
No more has the battle been more pronounced than in institutional learning facitilities, for what is at stake is nothing less than the ability to influence, inform, and outright shape the public opinion necessary to maintain cultural hegemony.
Stay woke...