
Monday Apr 20, 2020
The Birth Of Tragedy Part 1
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
What's good world, we're back with some more of that hood philosophy, and what better way to honor episode 36 than by getting wicked like three sixes?
In this episode, I'm bashing everyone's favorite dog-whistling Christian conservative Dr. Jordan Peterson, and explain why despite all the nonsense he's been talking, homeboy himself never even confronted his own dragon.
The misappropriation of Nietzschean philosophy is very real with Dr. Peterson, and being a Nietzsche Stan, you know I couldn't let that disrespect slide.
This is episode one of a larger series on Dr. Jordan Peterson, so stay tuned, but most importantly, S T A Y W O K E...

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Starry Speculative Corpse
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
What's good world, we're back with another Grito, and on this episode, we're taking another crack at the rona, this time by questioning whether or not the utter demise of the human race is even a bad thing?
Opinions are just as vast in this field as are the conspiracies, and we're tackling them all with the same gangster ass hood philosophy that I hope you've come to expect.
Specifically, we touch the surface on pessimism, anti-natalism, and whether life - and consciousness - are really a gift, or if they're nothing more than a curse that we collectively choose to ignore so that we don't have to entertain the horror that lies just beneath the surface.
Stay woke...

Friday Mar 13, 2020
The Plague
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Shit is getting real out on these skreetz, boi.
That Coronavirus is really out here canceling professional sporting events, and me personally, that's got me all up in my conspiratorial and philosophical feels.
Is it a biological weapon? Was it released to influence global markets and elections?
More importantly, who will survive, and what will be left of them?
Seems hyperbolic, but when we sit down and examine the effects of a pandemic from a natural law perspective, it's easy to see how quickly things can go sideways.
Stay woke...

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Why Study Philosophy?
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
What's good world, we're back with another podcast, and on this episode we're talking all the reasons why - and how - hood philosophy aint that academic nonsense philosophy.
When these gatekeeping fools out here publishing papers and presenting at conferences regarding the ethics of growing out facial hair, you KNOW there's a problem.
That problem is a disconnect between academia and the hood, and that's where hood philosophers like myself come in to show these clown what's really good.
Yeah, I could study philosophy to learn about whether I'm being unfaithful to my partner in an alternate universe by being with the partner I'm here with now, but I'd rather study hood philosophy to learn how Christianity is still to this day influencing entirely too much of our lives, to find gain the tools necessary to live a happier life, and so on.
So why should we study philosophy? Tune in and find out...

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Prison Planet
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
What's good world, we're back with another podcast, and on this episode, I'm talking the 'conspiratorial' side of hood philosophy.
I scare quote it cuz, as I'll describe in the episode, this gets a bum wrap in many circles.
Most of it is justified, as some use conspiracies as a way to avoid critical thought - but in many instances, these 'conspiratorial insights - have uncovered some deeply troubling behavior by the people who run this thing that serves to strip us from a greater experience of reality.
The goal is to gain the critical thinking skills necessary to differentiate between the two so that we can stay on our 1-2 and not get caught up in the massive web of lies.
Stay woke...

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Piyalli Tlalticpac, we're back with another episode, and this time I'm joined by my boy - and fellow philosophy professor - Aaron Alvarez.
My boy brought the heat in this episode, as we sat down to discuss Kierkegaard, Christian existentialism, negative theology, living a life of passion, and the importance of refusing to fall victim to the conformity-inducing leveling process of society, man.
Stay woke...

Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Live From The Iron Curtain
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
What's good world, in this episode of the podcast, I talk about why everyone hates philosophers, and then proceed to give people more reasons to hate me.
In this case, I do so by questioning the cult behind Chris Kyle.
Not to be facetious, but to bring to light a deeper issue, and that is the seeming inability to ever overcome the chasm caused by our differing beliefs and unying under a common goal.
I don't think this chasm is insurmountable, though, and point to space and technology as our way out of this quagmire and off this mudball planet once and for all.
Maybe I'm right, or maybe it's nothing more than pinko commie propaganda? You decide.
RIP Oderus Urungas!

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
I'm With You
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
What's good world, we're back with another solo-cast, and on this episode, I'm talking the philosophy of horror, infinite return, more existential dread with a cosmic twist, and a whole lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers.
They say when you die your life flash before your eyes knowing that I ask why would I want to let it slide by without making the best out my time with fam and friends I stand to possibly never see again?
Kierkegaard said why treasure something that we're born into crying and leave screaming, but I ask why would you want the final movie that you see, a culmination of your memories to be anything less than harmony?
Stay woke...

Monday Dec 30, 2019
The Darker Side Of Renaissance
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
What's good world, in this episode of the podcast I'm joined by an old homie from my graduate school days, soon-to-be-not-that-kind-of-doctor Robert Oropeza.
Rob is also currently in the dissertation phase of a Ph.D program, and together we nerd out hard over philosophy, history, theory, and action - the title of this episode itself is influenced by one of our mutually-favorite scholars Walter Mignolo, a fitting one I believe considering the nature of our conversation.
Anyways, this is part one of a two-part series, and I will be posting the conclusion at a later date.

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Courage To Grow
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
What's good world, in this episode of the podcast, we're talking artificial intelligence, robot-monkey deaths, solipsism, and how all those come together to create the greatest obstacles known to our evolution - mindless, unreflective people who think their opinion is of any relevance.
The scary part is that at any moment we can easily become one of them - fortunately for us, we got philosophy on our side to help keep us from being lead astray.
Stay woke...