
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Twilight Of The Idols
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
In this episode of the podcast, we're talking Nietzsche, homeboy!
And not that pseud Nietzsche some fake-woke YouTube schlub thinks they know about, we're talking the real deal - aint no nihilism and nazi nonsense here, my G.
I also talk jiu jitsu, overcoming our base level animal existence, and treating one's life like a work of art.
Stay woke...

Saturday Oct 19, 2019
The Problem Of Evil
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
If God exists, why do bad things happen to good people? And why do good things happen to bad people? Is God simultaneously responsible for love and compassion as well as death and famine?
All this, and more in this week's Grito.
Stay woke...

Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sicka Than Yo Average
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
For this episode of the podcast, I'm joined by my homie Mike, and we're talking Trump and deep state politics, football concussions, and how TOOL is basically the greatest band of all time.

Saturday Sep 28, 2019
The Prison Notebooks II - Globalism, Technocracy, And The Elite
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Illuminati really do be wanting control of our mind, soul, and our body, and theses fake woke jokes out here are willing enabling them.
In this episode, I discuss the ways that information is utilized to control our understanding of reality, how the Internet was supposed to liberate us, and how at this rate, it'll simply be one of the many tools utilized to keep us enslaved.
Stay woke...

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
On The Eve Of War II
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
The second part of my conversation with my colleague Allaa Salama.
We're talking ego death, what it takes to truly live a good life, and the ultimate beauty in seeking to actualize our 'true Selves' - nihilism only has meaning and purpose because we're around to give it meaning and purpose, my G.
This is intended to be a standalone podcast, but it'll all make more coherent sense if you go back and hear our first episode together, first.
Stay woke...

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
The Anatomy Of A Mass Shooter
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
In this episode, I'm opening my sad boi heart up to the gentle indifference of the world to see if somewhere in there lies the answer to issues a few of the issues plaguing us in modern society, such as our depression, mass shootings, and the astronomically-high suicide, to name but a few.
When it's all said and done, I question if perhaps The Beatles were on to something when they sang that all we need is love?
Yes, even the mass shooter that terrorized good old Hell Paso TX, hence the title of this episode - it's on homage to the Ill Bill song where this idea was first introduced to me.
Also, there's an annoying capitalist rant to start the podcast that ends at the 19:00 minute mark if you want to skip past it, or whatever.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
In this episode, I'm all up in my bleeding heart social justice warrior feels thanks to these Nazi bastards that tried to terrorize my hometown of El Paso.
I talk existential philosophy and the ways I believe it can help us avoid future tragedies like the massacre we experienced - spoiler alert, it doesn't involve taking away the guns.
Stay woke...

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
The Prison Notebooks - Morality And Social Control
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
I been telling you that Illuminati want control of my mind, soul, and my body, and in this episode, I demonstrate how morality is but one of the many ways they try to take it.
Fortunately for us, we got the intellectual tools necessary to ensure they don't.
Stay woke...

Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Eat The Rich
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
What's up ya'll, we back in this bad boy with another podcast, and this time I'm joined via Skype by one of my closest homies and fellow working-stiff Mike Carrero to discuss D'Evils plaguing society, the government, capitalism, human nature, and... ayahuasca?
Yeah, something like that.
Anyways, this weeks intro/outro music is 'Dance With The Devil' by the great Immortal Technique - I was actually turned on to Tech back in 2005 by Carerro himself, with this very track, so it only seemed fitting to honor that.

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
On The Eve Of War
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
So a Muslim and a Xicano sit down hood philosophize, right, and come to the conclusion that as awesome as both those things are, they're ultimately nothing more than one of the many layers keeping us from seeing the Truth.
That what really matters is liberating ourselves from ourselves and others so that we may manifest the energy we waste in dealing with both towards actualizing our brief existence in this fleeting reality, instead.
This is a demanding thing to ask of anybody, but the rewards for those who take up this challenge can be nothing short of divine.
That's but one of the many ideas I had the honor of discussing in this episode with a very close friend and colleague of mine, sociology professor Allaa Salama.
It's been a long time come that I get this dude on the podcast, and homeboy did not disappoint - he was dropping gems for over two hours, and I will be sharing them as a two-part series in the coming weeks.
Until then, stay woke...